Thursday, May 17, 2012

And so it begins..

"The beginning is the most important part of the work."

 As I begin writing this I have a 2.5 year old laying on my back watching Thomas the Train whom I am trying to quiet before she wakes up her 5 month old sister. I can't blame her for bouncing around at 8:45 pm on a Thursday, though, since her daddy so lovingly allowed her to drink coke a mere 45 minutes ago. So why do I think this is the best time to start a blog? Because this is pretty much as calm as it gets around here.

 By the American description we are your average family; Husband, wife, 2 kids and pet fish. Add in the part about me being a corporate city girl moved to the country to be a stay at home mom and my husband being a high school agriculture teacher/ chainsaw artist and you quickly realize that the "average" description is anything but accurate.

 Here's a quick recap of how we got here: Girl works at apartment complex. Boy lives in apartment complex. Boy asks girl on date. Girl tells coworker the following day that she "will marry that boy, just watch." Fast forward 3 complicated years later and boy and girl elope to Las Vegas. Fast forward 3 more blissful years and here we are with 2 hilarious girls, Lily, 2.5, and Emma, 5 months, living in a one caution light town just north of Panama City Beach, Florida.

 I decided to start a blog mainly as a way to keep up with all the little eccentricities that make our life so much fun. Lily says some of the funniest things I have ever heard come out of a 2 year old and with all the randomness that surrounds both myself and my husband on a day to day basis we had to have some way to remember it all. Sure, I could keep a journal and actually write these things down but I have these crazy OCD-like spells where I decide my house is teetering on becoming the next episode of Hoarders and I go through and clear it all out. If I did have said journals they would inevitably fall victim to one of those decluttering spells. Plus, I type much faster than I write.

Now that a good 15 minutes has passed since I started writing this entry, Lily has stopped kicking me in the leg, Emma is sound asleep and Chad has retreated to the barn to make a new carved masterpiece. That's usually how our days end now. As unglamorous as it all sounds, it's one of the most comforting parts of my day knowing that my family is both safe and happy. Speaking of happy, we leave for the happiest place on earth tomorrow and unfortunately my suitcase won't pack itself. Here's my favorite picture from Lily's first Disney trip (This dress is already packed for Emma for this trip):

"When you wish upon a star
 Makes no difference who you are 
Anything your heart desires 
Will come to you." 
Jiminy Cricket

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